I have lived in Hoyland since 1983 when I came here to accept the job of teacher at our local comprehensive, Kirk Balk School. I taught there for 30 years finally leaving in July 2013 as I felt the Lord had called me to work full time in the church. I have been at Hoyland Christian Fellowship since 1985 and have been involved in the music and youth ministry for a number of years as well as being chairman of the trustees. I was part of the Leadership team from 2004 and was inducted as Pastor in November 2013.
All of this has come about as I have felt led by the Lord from my first few years as a teacher to my latter years where I felt called to lead the church. I have found it a joy and a great responsibility from teaching children, to working with, and hopefully fostering the growth of, Christians within the church and welcoming those from the community into our family within it.
I have felt called to this area and so have stayed here a long time which is quite ironic as I come from an army family where we were constantly moving around from house to house and area to area. This has given me a real connection with people of the area whom I have come to respect and serve.
I want to serve the Lord while ever I am able in this area. In 2004 our church was due to close owing to lack of membership when I felt the Lord tell us that He would rebuild the church and the people within it from Isaiah 61:4 “They will rebuild the ancient ruins…”.
We now have a steadily growing membership which is entirely due to Him and no clever plans on our part. It is His church and He said He would build it. I believe that this portion of scripture indicates that the Lord will continue to bless us as a church but more particularly this community and I look forward to seeing his hand at work.